terra 帮忙设配个bootloader TL-WR960N 的 资料内详
发表于 : 周四 12月 01, 2016 9:18 am
进来跟朋友换了个路由器,他要了我的硬改路由 给我一个用了不久的TL-WR960N,看到网上是没有相关的固件,bootloaser. 发现本网站有一个在线配置uboot的连接,由于知识面不广,实在看不懂相关的说明,不过可以尽量提供相关资料。
芯片 :
编程固件+qca9563 DS 由于论坛附件限制无法上传 只能放到百度云里面。
链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kVyiuaF 密码:5w11
芯片 :
代码: 全选
U-Boot 1.1.4 (May 12 2016 - 09:35:29)
flash size 2MB, sector count = 512
Using default environment
Net: ath_gmac_enet_initialize...
No valid address in Flash. Using fixed address
ath_gmac_enet_initialize: reset mask:c02200
athr_mgmt_init ::done
Dragonfly ----> S17 PHY *
athrs17_vlan_config:: done
athrs17_reg_init: complete
SGMII in forced mode
athr_gmac_sgmii_setup SGMII done
: cfg1 0x80000000 cfg2 0x7114
eth0: 00:03:7f:09:0b:ad
eth0 up
Setting 0x181162c0 to 0x4b962100
Autobooting in 1 seconds
U-Boot 1.1.4 (May 12 2016 - 09:37:54)
flash size 2MB, sector count = 512
Using default environment
Net: ath_gmac_enet_initialize...
No valid address in Flash. Using fixed address
ath_gmac_enet_initialize: reset mask:c02200
athr_mgmt_init ::done
Dragonfly ----> S17 PHY *
athrs17_vlan_config:: done
athrs17_reg_init: complete
SGMII in forced mode
athr_gmac_sgmii_setup SGMII done
: cfg1 0x80000000 cfg2 0x7114
eth0: 00:03:7f:09:0b:ad
eth0 up
Setting 0x181162c0 to 0x4b962100
vxWorks.bin from =0x32000, len=0xb4e4e
Attaching interface lo0... done
Rx clbufs 1392 each of size 1660
Dragonfly -----> S17 PHY
QCA8337 Reset switch chip
Setting up VLAN Configuration ..done
ATHR_GMAC::ag7240_sgmii_setup Done
Setting Drop CRC Errors, Pause Frames and Length Error frames
Setting PHY...
athrs17_phy_setup: 0050
athrs17_phy_setup: 0050
2_athrs17_phy_setup: 0050
athrs17_phy_setup: 0050
2_athrs17_phy_setup: 0050
athrs17_phy_setup: 0050
2_athrs17_phy_setup: 0050
athrs17_phy_setup: 0050
2_athrs17_phy_setup: 0050
athrs17_phy_setup: 0050
2_athrs17_phy_setup: 0050
eth0 (phy 0): Phy Specific Status=0050
eth0 (phy 1): Phy Specific Status=0050
eth0 (phy 2): Phy Specific Status=0050
eth0 (phy 3): Phy Specific Status=0050
eth0 (phy 4): Phy Specific Status=0050
Phy setup Complete
eth0 Verify MAC address 07000000 00000000
sb = 07 00 00 00 00 00
Arm the timer for Link Poll
eth0 Verify MAC address 07000000 00000000
sb = 07 00 00 00 00 00
Software Platform for PNE2.2
Copyright(C) 2001-2011 by TP-LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.
Creation date: May 31 2016, 11:36:05
# miniFsDrv(2364): Install minifs driver successed.
eth0 Verify MAC address B0958E16 61C50000
sb = B0 95 8E 16 61 C5
athrs17_acl_dmac_drop, mac = b0:95:8e:16:61:c5, id = 0
Flash ID = 0xC84015.
Flash UID 0x30573537390E6F14
eth0 Verify MAC address B0958E16 61C60000
sb = B0 95 8E 16 61 C6
athrs17_acl_dmac_drop, mac = b0:95:8e:16:61:c6, id = 1
Set phy 0 link mode 0x00.
add net default: gateway
change net
change net
sysWlanInit ...
Create mem partion 0x80963480 for size 94464
Enterprise mode: 0x03bda000
Restoring Cal data from Flash
base_eep_header.feature_enable = 0x5d.
base_eep_header.txrxgain = 0x21.
modal_header_2g.temp_slope = 0x12.
modal_header_5g.temp_slope = 0x44.
base_ext2.temp_slope_low = 0x12.
base_ext2.temp_slope_high = 0x12.
Create OS_MESGQ [scan] Successfully at 0x808e19b0
Create OS_MESGQ [pwrsav_sta] Successfully at 0x8060ef10
Create OS_MESGQ [connection] Successfully at 0x80608e10
Create OS_MESGQ [assoc] Successfully at 0x80608c20
编程固件+qca9563 DS 由于论坛附件限制无法上传 只能放到百度云里面。
链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kVyiuaF 密码:5w11